robert shearer

The Beethoven Years

Fiction. Ludi Vann, to whom God speaks in musical code through electrical outlets, sees angels in trees and is visited by a Martian who lectures him on music, French grammar, and the problem of Tuesday. Ludi falls in love with a woman he takes to be his Immortal Beloved, the wife of the couple who run the halfway house where he is staying, but her jealous husband ends up dead outside the room of the madman, and he must flee. All that’s left is a mysterious letter, perfectly in Beethoven’s hand…
Achingly real and profoundly moving

– blueink review

Robert Shearer

Robert L Shearer has been a professor of philosophy and music for over three decades at Florida Tech, where he also teaches cultural history and logic. A published poet, he is also a writer of culutural history; in 2003 he won the Thomas M. Campbell Award for Best Paper for his article “Mathematics and the Mind of God: Implications of the New Cosmology of the 17th Century”, published in The Florida Conference of Historians Annual Proceedings.

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